How European Roots Influence Her American Style with Stylist Julia Schenke

Julia Schenke, owner of Dresscode by Julia, rocks this episode of Fashioncast.

Julia is full of positive energy, a great sense of humor, and lots of in-depth personal style advice.

Julia, born in Germany, has an incredible background story to share about her entry into the world-of-fashion, her extensive experience in the German garment industry, and the eventual launch of her own styling business.

Julia’s sense of style is so unique, the style itself could be a brand! Christine and Mike credit Julia’s European background and the influence it continues to play in her style advice. It’s edgy, crisp, unique, coordinated, individual, and confident.

Just what every stylist is trying to exhibit, but few do, especially the way Julia does! Listen, learn and laugh as Julia schools us on style and more. Enjoy!